What's Opposite - for teachers

What's Opposite cover

Illustrated by Robin Brickman.
Published by Millbrook Press, 1996.
Hardcover 1-56294-182-8.

Book Description

Up and down, big and small, hot and cold, opposites are all around us. Learning to identify opposites is one way by which children expand their view of the world. Soon they see that some things are completely different from one another and why.

Steve Swinburne explores opposites through a simple, lively text and bright, colorful photographs that clearly illustrate this important concept. The book also includes a guessing game that invites young readers to guess “What’s opposite?”

By the end of this engaging book, children will discover how opposites make the world a rich and wonderfully varied place.

How I was inspired

By the time LOTS AND LOTS OF ZEBRA STRIPES – PATTERNS IN NATURE, GUESS WHOS SHADOW? and WHAT’S A PAIR? WHAT’S A DOZEN? had been published, I was on the look out for more concepts to write about and photograph. Opposites were a natural. I want to do more photo-concept books in the future. Can you think of a concept that would make a good children’s book?

Book Features

  • Color photographs of kids and opposites
  • Guess the opposite game in the back of the book

Classroom Connections

Create a discovery chart of opposites. Make a chart with the book’s name and author and then list the opposites students find in their lives. Have students sign their names about the opposites they contribute, and watch the list grow.

I love hearing from children and teachers. Compose a class letter about your favorite concept book or your favorite part of the book. What suggestions do you have for other concept books? What neat opposites, shadows, patterns or number-related words have you found?

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